Even though 95% of Poles know that one shouldn’t drink alcohol during pregnancy, every year 9000 children are still born with FAS. This incurable developmental disorder leaves its mark from the very first days of a child’s life. Each year, International FAS Day provides a good opportunity to raise this issue once again.
Since the problem isn’t rooted in awareness, we sought another way to reach women. We took the campaign’s symbol—an upside-down wine glass—and added a second one, forming the word “TATA” (“Dad” in Polish). Thus, the #FASOFF team was born, symbolizing the crucial involvement of fathers during pregnancy.
It won’t just happen by itself! Both future parents share responsibility for the pregnancy. Yet the restrictions tied to it fall solely on women. Should it be that way? Pregnancy affects both partners from the start. The father’s support is irreplaceable! Does that mean we should both be “pregnant” together? Not necessarily, because there’s a difference between support and shared experience—just like there’s a difference between playing on a team and cheering from the sidelines.
Small gestures are enough to support your partner, such as SHARED ABSTINENCE.
Have we managed to eliminate FAS? We won’t have proof of that anytime soon. But we did succeed in changing the nature of the conversation around pregnancy-related abstinence and getting future fathers to think about their new role before the child arrives.